A short 1984 themed game


Follow the schedule of wakeup, eat, work, sleep.

Play as a single individual working for the Ministry Of Truth as you test and give answers to questions designed to be given to school children. Its a simple job that helps keep a roof over your head.


There are two counters to keep up with. Your sanity and a hidden counter for your reputation with the party. The current time can be seen by the analog clock at the bottom right of the screen. Your current objective/job is seen by the top of the screen

Its easy to upkeep a high reputation with the party, as long as you follow in line. Follow your schedule, and dont do anything illegal. To take down your reputation, answer questions false at your job, miss your job entirely, sleep through the entire day, write in your journal, and not being in your room by lights out.

Now for sanity, you will want to keep this up (while its completely optional), this can be upkept by writing in your journal, and eating food. Your sanity is upkept to ensure a good high score on a innevitable vaporization.

At the end of the day, you can sleep. When asleep, if your hidden reputation is below 20%, you have a 50% chance of being vaporized, if its below 0%, its 100%.


Your job is simple, survive.


Choose your preferred way of installation through the [RELEASES] tab.

Gimme your highscore or something by emailing PGtheVRguyGAMES@gmail.com. Its pretty easy to cheat tho, plz dont. There are flaws, this is just a small prototype, so also email those to PGtheVRguyGAMES@gmail.com, I wanna see those flaws too, I love them.



I made this game for a school project that showcases some cool 1984 stuff, I like this game and think it has some cool ideas, but its uhhh... not the best, but its a cool prototype!


(the main page is ugly rn I'll update it later)

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